Interview: Jack Mitsch Announced as Finalist for The Equity Foundation’s Bunya Graduate Internship

Congratulations to ACA Graduate Jack Mitsch! From 150+ submissions, he was selected as a finalist for The Equity Foundation‘s Bunya Graduate Internship.

View the official announcement.

ACA: Congrats! How does it feel?

Jack: Honestly when the email came through that I was a finalist I was a little overwhelmed. I only graduated last December but in this industry it’s hard to sometimes see your success and wins. So to be recognised and have this achievement of even making the top 5 has truly meant a lot to me. I have also met or have seen the work of most of the other finalists and they are such great creators so very happy to be among them.

ACA: How did you hear about the opportunity? How did you apply?

Jack: I heard about the internship through ACA. The amazing crew from Aus Equity Foundation sent it through to our Head Of Acting Adam Cook and then I was able to look into it deeper. Thanks to their correspondence, I applied with a self tape through ShowCast.

ACA: Any tips for Self-Tests?

Jack: My advice for self tapes is to enjoy the failed tapes, the interruptions on the street or for some of us in the inner west in the air. Although I definitely get frustrated at the flight path during my tapes, it reminds me that my characters and these scenes still need to come from a true place within me. It’s kinda like a grounding exercise. But also as creatives we are now professional auditioners and for that 10 second scene or 6 paged scene you get to be this character and give life to this world, which is pretty amazing to remember. But the biggest advice is to take in whatever you can from Camera teachers and professionals in the industry and from that find what truly works for you.

Watch Jack’s funny Self Tape outtakes!

ACA: Why did you choose ACA?

Jack: I auditioned for ACA in a funny spot around COVID and of my numerous acting school auditions, it was one of the only in-person auditions. So when I got into the room there was immediately an amazing vibe and atmosphere. Also when I auditioned I saw these amazing tutors who I have seen on stage or even inside my scripts. But the main reason why I chose ACA is because they gave me a chance. They saw my imperfections but they also saw a spark in me. I grew up in Albury so my exposure to acting and theatre was limited. I did always see myself as the underdog in auditions because I had to drive, fly or catch a train to the major cities to audition and I had way less experience than other people in the room. But ACA just saw me as the hungry creative in front of them that had something. So now after experiencing three years at ACA, I am so happy they gave me this chance and will always be glad I chose ACA.

ACA: Anything else you’d like to share?

Jack: I hope my answers don’t read as indulgent, but rather just show what this actually means to me for even being a finalist. What it means for someone like me to even be in a position like this. I want to say a massive thank you to everyone involved in the selection process and also the creation of the internship. I do also want to say a big thank you to ACA and my cohort of 2023. I wouldn’t be anywhere near the standard I’m at now without them.

Big congrats again to Jack! Be sure to check out his ACA Graduate Feature, with complete showreel, live theatre scene, Shakespeare and self tapes.

The winner will be announced next week. Keep an eye on @ausequityfoundation on Instagram.


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